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Item ID 132798176 in Category: Automobiles & Vehicles - Auto Parts & Services

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Phan Dinh San

Chao moi nguoi, toi la Phan Dinh San sinh nam 1989 dang sinh song va lam viec tai Thanh pho Ha Noi. Toi da tot nghiep nganh cong nghe thong tin tai truong dai hoc Bach Khoa ngoi truong ma nhieu ban tre mo uoc. Voi nhung gi toi da duoc hoc cung nhu kinh nghiem sau nhieu nam lam viec ket hop voi nhieu website toi da tro thanh giam doc ky thuat chuyen phu trach ve mang van hanh website cua Vaoroi TV - noi giup ban Xem bong da online mien phi chat luong hang dau khu vuc. Den voi VaoroiTV nguoi ham mo se duoc thuong thuc tat ca cac tran dau lon nho tren toan the gioi nhu: World Cup, Cup C2, Cup C1, EURO, The FIFA World Cup,... Ngoai ra cac tin tuc nong trong va ngoai san co se duoc cap nhat nhanh va chinh xac nhat. Toi cung nhu cac nhan vien cua Vao Roi TV se co gang giup website chay muot, khong bi giat lag, dut quang giua tran dau, hinh anh am thanh soi dong de khan gia theo doi co nhung trai nghiem tuyet voi nhat. Hay truy cap Vaoroi TV de song het minh voi dam me bong da ban nhe!
Thong tin lien he voi toi:
Dia chi: So 37 Vu Pham Ham, Phuong Yen Hoa, Quan Cau Giay, Ha Noi
Hashtag: #phandinhsan89 #Vaoroi #vaoroitv #tructiepbongda #linksopcast #bongdatructuyen

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Last Update : Dec 20, 2024 8:51 AM
Number of Views: 17
Item  Owner  : phandinhsan89
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