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Traffic Signal Monitoring System: Enhancing Transit Efficiency with EMTRAC

A Traffic Signal Monitoring System is essential for optimizing urban traffic flow, reducing congestion, and improving public transit efficiency. One of the most effective technologies in this domain is Transit Signal Priority (TSP). By adjusting the timing of red and green cycles, TSP significantly reduces the time transit vehicles spend waiting at intersections.

TSP operates by making minor modifications to the traffic signal cycle based on the presence of approaching transit vehicles. It can either shorten red signals to allow a halted vehicle to move or extend green signals so an oncoming vehicle can pass through uninterrupted. This process ensures faster, more reliable transit operations for buses, light rail, and streetcars.

The cost of implementing a TSP system is relatively low, varying depending on the number of transit vehicles equipped with TSP technology and the number of signalized intersections it covers. Typically, the traffic signal operating agency funds the equipment, while the transit agency finances the onboard vehicle technology.

For years, the EMTRAC Traffic Signal Monitoring System has been a trusted solution across North America, enhancing transit efficiency for first responders and public transit services. EMTRAC’s GPS-based technology ensures that transit vehicles receive priority through intersections, reducing delays and improving travel times.

By integrating TSP with a traffic signal monitoring system, cities can enhance urban mobility, reduce emissions, and provide a more dependable transit experience. As public transportation continues to evolve, TSP-enabled solutions like EMTRAC play a crucial role in shaping smarter, more efficient cities.
location: Manufactured By STC, Inc. 1201 W. Randolph St, McLeansboro, IL 62859
phone: Richard D’Alessandro: (214) 607–0100
Fax: (214) 607–0105

Related Link: Click here to visit item owner's website (0 hit)

Target State: All States
Target City : All Cities
Last Update : Mar 13, 2025 4:34 AM
Number of Views: 25
Item  Owner  : emtracsystems
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