Bible story. for everyone, help yourself online. The creation | |
chapter 1 Questions and Answers The creation: Question:- 1 Who made the heavens and the earth? Answer:- God made the heavens and the earth. Question:- 2. What did God create first? Answer :- God created light first. Question:- 3. How did God separate the light from the darkness? Answer: - God separated the light from the darkness by calling the light Day and the darkness Night. Question:- 4. What did God create on the second day? Answer: - God created the sky on the second day. Question:- 5. How did God divide the waters on the second day? Answer : - God divided the waters below from the waters above the sky. Question:- 6. What did God call the sky? Answer: - God called the sky the Heavens. Question:- 7. What did God create on the third day? Answer: - God created dry land and seas on the third day. Question:- 8. What grew from the earth on the third day? Answer:- Plants and trees grew from the earth on the third day. Question:- 9. What were plants and trees instructed to do? Answer: - They were instructed to bring forth their own kind of seed and fruit. Question:- 10. What did God create on the fourth day? Answer: - God created lights in the heavens on the fourth day. Question:- 11. What were the two great lights God made? Answer:- The sun and the moon were the two great lights God made. Question:- 12. What were the lights in the heavens meant to do? Answer: - They were meant to separate night from day and mark seasons, days, and years. Question:-13. What did God create on the fifth day? Answer: - God created living creatures in the waters and birds in the sky on the fifth day. Question:-14. What did God bless on the fifth day? Answer:- God blessed the living creatures in the waters and the birds in the sky. Question:-15. What did God instruct the living creatures to do? Answer: - He instructed them to increase and fill the seas and the earth. Question:-16. What did God create on the sixth day? Answer:- God created all kinds of living creatures, including cattle, creeping things, and wild beasts, on the sixth day. Question:-17. What did God create in his likeness on the sixth day? Answer:- God created man in his likeness on the sixth day. Question:-18. What did God instruct man to do? Answer: - God instructed man to have children, increase, and rule over the earth and its creatures. Question:-19. What did God give as food to man and every living creature? Answer: - God gave every plant and tree for food to man and every green herb for food to every living creature. Question:-20. What did God see after creating everything? Answer: - God saw that everything he had made was very good. Question:-21. What did God do on the seventh day? Answer:- God rested from all his work on the seventh day. Question:-22. What did God bless on the seventh day? Answer: - God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. Question:- 23. Why did God rest on the seventh day? Answer: - God rested from all the work he had done on the seventh day. Question:- 24. What did God finish on the seventh day? Answer: - God finished the heavens, the earth, and all that was in them on the seventh day. Question:- 25. What did God create to rule over the day and the night? Answer: - God created the sun to rule over the day and the moon to rule over the night. Question:- 26. What did God create to mark the seasons, days, and years? Answer: - God created lights in the heavens to mark the seasons, days, and years. Question:- 27. What did God instruct man to do with the earth? Answer: - God instructed man to conquer the earth and rule over it. Question:- 28. What did God give man dominion over? Answer: - God gave man dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every living thing on the earth. Question:- 29. What did God give every living creature for food? Answer:- God gave every green herb for food to every living creature. Question:-30. What did God declare when he saw everything he had made? Answer: - God declared that everything he had made was very good. Get more from Asoquality on Patreon:- | |
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