ReactJS Training in Chennai (Internet Services - Website Promotion)

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ReactJS Training in Chennai

ReactJS, commonly referred to as React, is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces, especially single-page applications. Here are some key points about React:

Component-Based Architecture: React allows developers to build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs. Components can be reused, which makes development more efficient and easier to manage.

Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual DOM to improve performance. Instead of directly manipulating the browser's DOM, React creates a virtual representation of the DOM in memory. When the state of an object changes, React updates the virtual DOM, then efficiently updates the real DOM to match.

JSX: React uses JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension that allows writing HTML tags inside JavaScript code. This makes it easier to write and understand the structure of the UI components.

Unidirectional Data Flow: React enforces a unidirectional data flow. This means that data flows in one direction, from parent components to child components, making it easier to debug and understand the application.

React Hooks: Introduced in React 16.8, hooks allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks like useState and useEffect simplify the management of state and side effects in functional components.

Ecosystem: React has a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools for routing, state management, and API integration. Popular ones include Redux for state management and React Router for routing.

Community and Support: React has a large community and extensive documentation. It is widely used in industry, which means there are many resources, tutorials, and third-party libraries available to support development.

React is known for its simplicity and flexibility, making it a popular choice for developers building modern web applications.

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Target State: Indiana
Target City : Chennai
Last Update : Jul 17, 2024 5:17 AM
Number of Views: 75
Item  Owner  : Roohi
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