How to cancel Westjet Airlines Flight Ticket? (Travel & Tickets - Tickets)

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How to cancel Westjet Airlines Flight Ticket?

Providing flexible services and accommodations to passengers is the top priority of WestJet Airlines. In this context, the Canadian airline offers a customer-friendly WestJet cancellation policy that allows visitors to enjoy a hassle-free travel experience. In addition, WestJet Airlines customers can also call +1-866-980-7279 for the latest updates on the same matter.

What is WestJet Airlines Cancellation Policy?
Cancelling a scheduled trip for any reason is quite a difficult task. But as it happens in life, we witness many occasions and moments that are totally out of control. The aviation industry is a place where numerous events are recognized when passengers cancel their scheduled flights due to unforeseen circumstances. It may include the death of a blood relative, bad weather, serious illness, military orders, and passport theft, etc. One always feels helpless in such events and decides to cancel the booking without having any other option.

Visitors to WestJet can cancel the reservation according to the company's cancellation policy.
It gives passengers 24 hours (immediately after booking) to cancel the flight free of charge. Only a fare difference is payable.
However, a penalty is proposed if you miss the risk-free period.
In addition, WestJet Airlines tickets can be cancelled online or offline depending on the passengers' preferences.
Cancellation of the ticket due to an emergency in the family does not require service charges. A full refund is initiated back to the original mode of payment. You must provide a legal document to support the matter.
You will also be required to pay the applicable fee for cancelling Business Flex, Econo Flex or Premium Flex after the risk-free period. No refund is processed for cancellation of Basic Fare tickets.
If the cancellation is involuntary, passengers flying on the airlines will be entitled to a refund in the cases described below.

If you were not informed about the flight cancellation or any delay of 14 or more days from the day of departure.
If you arrive at your destination 3 hours or more late, you will receive compensation.
If the flight was cancelled or delayed and this is due to the airline.
If you travelled on Westjet-operated airlines to, from or within Canada, you will need to inquire about changes with the airlines operated by you.

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