ProtonMail, Can’t Reset Password | |
If what you are experiencing is the inability to reset your ProtonMail password, there may be several factors causing the issue. To help rectify this issue, proceed to the ProtonMail login page and click on the “Forgot Password?” button. Proceed to type in your email address and follow the steps to receive the reset link. If you are not receiving this link, check your spam or junk mail, since sometimes emails end up there. Sometimes, the reason is not due to errors in login details but obviously because those account recovery questions need to be linked to an email or phone number that the user has access to. There will be no recovery option thus making it impossible for ProtonMail to provide a recovery link because security is made by default safe with the help of encryption. In the event you cannot reset your old ProtonMail password and have no recovery email set up either, you will be unable to access your old emails, as there will be no zero access encrypted information retained within ProtonMail. It is a wonderful feature to increase security but in situations like this, it can be rather frustrating. To help in whichever manner possible towards the prevention of such occurrences in the future then ensure that you have a valid recovery email and also update the security settings of your account to guess it on the respective accounts. If there is still the reoccurrence, then you may have to contact the ProtonMail support and request assistance regarding the issue so as to see if any other recovery options remain. More Info: More Info: | |
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Target State: Florida Target City : Fort Myers Last Update : Oct 25, 2024 4:42 AM Number of Views: 109 | Item Owner : Bigpond Support Contact Email: Contact Phone: +1 888 653-3691 |
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