Bee suit / Beekeeper suit (Shopping - Clothing & Accessories)

Item ID 133322309 in Category: Shopping - Clothing & Accessories

Bee suit / Beekeeper suit

Bees are not supposed to harm you unless and until you hurt them intentionally or accidentally. But no need to be alarmed. Thankfully, the market is flooded with bee suits specially designed for beekeepers. People who work with bees in the bee yard, they have to be dressed up with bee-keeping suits to protect themselves from bee stings.
The dress that beekeepers are clothed in is termed as “bee suit”. It is also defined as a “beekeeping suit”.
This suit covers the full body of the beekeeper from head to toe. It is usually made up of thick white cotton fabric, nylon, and mesh. Cut-above mesh netting is breathable. A premium quality multi-layered beekeeping suit entertained with bee-proof mesh netting is like icing on the cake for a beekeeper. It comprises long sleeves with an elastic ending and long pants that secure the ankles from any kind of bee attack.
A bee suit easily blocks the bees to attack you due to its 3 protective parts.
A hooded veil
Full body outfit
A pair of gloves
A veil is essential to safeguard your face and neck from bee stings or any harm from other insects living in the hive as it is wide and long. The rest of the bee suit wrapped the whole body of the beekeeper from head to toe. Gloves are long so they cover the hands and elbows.
The entire bee-keeping outfit resists the bees to touch your skin. The plus point of this outfit is that it is weather friendly. It is suitable in all weathers for a beekeeper. In winter, it keeps the beekeeper warm and in summer, it assists the beekeeper to be cool and protective.
In addition, bee suits perform as a helping hand to raise the honey formation.

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Target State: Wyoming
Target City : Sheridan
Last Update : Dec 31, 2024 5:07 AM
Number of Views: 48
Item  Owner  : SarmadAli
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